Course Overview
In any emergency situation, it’s very hard to manage people, and the success of any humanitarian response in any humanitarian situation depends on how effective management of the crisis. Various teams from various organizations including security, health, intelligence, media are present in humanitarian response grounds and coordinating all this groups calls for sobriety in handling the emergence at hand.
The course focuses on operational aspects of disaster and emergency response as well preparing for disasters. It addresses plans for communicating with the public during emergencies and techniques for producing, exchanging and distributing information for humanitarian organizations. Experiences from many emergency situations show that communication is most effective when information management is linked to information ‘exchange and social communication techniques and processes.
The topics to be covered include the following;
- Communication and information management during an emergency and disaster response
- Planning communication and information management for emergencies and disasters
- Managing information during an emergency disaster
- Working with communication media
- Developing messages and material
Course Begins on 1st of every month for three months.
Course Level: Certificate Course
Cost: Amount USD 400
To register for this course, kindly contact
Capacity Africa